Section: New Results

Emotion Modeling

Participants : Franck Berthelon, Imen Tayari, Nhan Le Thanh, Peter Sander.

In the PhD Thesis of Imen Tayari, an algebraic vector representation model of emotional states was designed. This multidimensional model provides a powerful mathematical tools for the analysis and the processing of emotions. It permits to integrate information from different modalities(speech, facial expressions, gestures) in order to allow more reliable estimation of emotional states. Indeed our proposal aims at efficient recognition of emotional states even when they appear to be superposed or masked. Experiments show the efficiency of the proposed method in detecting basic emotion by giving hight recognition rate. This work is published in [39] , [41] , [43] , [40] , [42] .

In the PhD Thesis of Franck Berthelon, we are working in the domain of affective computing to create an emotion sensitive system. Interaction between human and computer can be improved via such a system because emotion is so important in everyday communication. Our research focuses on serious gaming, particularly on enabling a user and a virtual character to "share" an emotion. The two main problems that arise are:

  • How to detect a user’s emotions given that the stimulus comes from a virtual environment?

  • How to give feedback based on the user’s current emotion?

We propose to model emotions as a complex system where data are retrieved from physiological sensors such as heart rate, EMG or EEG. We need to map the multi-sensor data back into a dimensional model of emotion space. Finally, we aim to have an effect on the user's emotional state by varying the stimulus received from the virtual environment. This puts the user into different emotional situations determined by the task to accomplish, with an accompanying effect on their ability to carry out the task.

We developed an application for experimentation purposes; it aims to implement our model using an EEG headset (Emotiv EPOC). This application allows us to generate an emotional map from a slide show of emotion annotated picture. Based on the created map and the real time EEG data, this application can compute a user’s instantaneous emotion.

In addition to the first development, we reuse experimental data from MIT to validate our model in a more controlled way. We take the same data, features, signal processing and feature reduction algorithm but instead of using the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification algorithm we use our model to identify and annotate discontinuities that represents emotion state changes in accordance with Klaus R. Scherer hypothesis [103] .

We are continuing work on validating our model with quantitative results and applying those results on a more realistic system with the application we have developed.